Sunday, February 7, 2016

Venus Factor System Review

Venus Factor Review

The first thing women have to realize when they approach diets is that they are not the same as men. While that sounds obvious in most respects, women seem to forget this when they try to lose weight or change the shape of their bodies.


Women put on weight for a variety of reasons and in particular parts of their bodies related to their sex. It is also common for females to wrestle with particular hurdles to weight loss which the Venus Factor addresses. Read this review to find out exactly why this is your answer to unsuccessful diet and fitness programs.

Some women think they have to exercise for hours to get a great body. They also believe that cardio is the answer. Perhaps they have bought the wrong programs, or they just feel like exercise has to hurt to work.

Also, women expect that they cannot lose some of the fat they have gained due to having children, or because they have reached a certain age.

Lots of women commented that previous diets and fitness programs were complicated. Foods they could eat were so restrictive that sticking with the program felt impossible. They soon cheated.

One myth was that the only place to work out is the gym. Turning home into the location for exercise also turns it into the center of your commitment.

Finally, as real stats on the Venus Factor website show, weight is not the only thing women want to lose. They are interested in shifting inches around their middle and thighs. Instead of losing water weight or dropping muscle to see numbers on the scale go down, it is body shape which should change, and that can be achieved. The trouble is, women often lack knowledge about the right types of exercises to do and the foods they should eat or avoid.

Women who have tried the Venus Factor and been successful with their body-shaping goals have included ladies in their 50s, 40s, 30s, and 20s. They have struggled with weight loss since they were young, or just since having kids. One woman cites that she gave birth to 8 children in 12 years which wreaked havoc on her body.

Some of these ladies had a lot of weight to lose: as much as 60 pounds. Others just wanted to shift 15 or 20. There have been fitness trainers who used this program and saw great results, partly because they learned the importance of lifting weight and putting on muscle mass. This has been scientifically proven to assist fat loss.

A lot of females in the program felt alone before they started Venus, but they soon discovered a network of fellow participants connected via computer. This helped them to remain motivated and encouraged.

With many kids or long hours at work (sometimes both), these ladies still found time to work out, and to do it sensibly, not knocking themselves out with unrealistic regimes. They were also grateful to be able to eat foods they enjoyed, not give up everything with complex diets.

The Venus Factor offers several benefits over other programs for real women. One is that it is realistic. Do the program at home instead of going to a gym. Another is that it is simple. Finally, according to testimonies, it really works.