Sunday, February 7, 2016

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts Plan at Home | Health and Fitness

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts at Home

As people become more and more interested in their own physical fitness, they also struggle to find ways to fit the right set of exercises into their already busy days. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) offers the general public a way to get in shape without spending a lot of money on equipment or a lot of time at the gym.

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts
High Intensity Interval Training Workouts


The results of high-intensity workouts come quickly and your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate even after you stop exercising. The examples cited below are also easy to achieve because they do not require you to invest a lot of time or money in the effort.Options for High-Intensity Interval Workouts at Home

The 17-Minute at Home Cardio HIIT is an excellent example of an effective workout that almost anyone can do without interrupting his or her daily life significantly. In just 17 minutes, you can burn around 200 calories, depending on your body weight. While it is a cardio workout, it really focuses on the total body approach.

There are six separate exercises performed during the course of this workout: jumping jacks, lateral jumps, jumping oblique twists, pendulum swings, high knees and burpees. Each exercise is done for 60 seconds rather than for specific number of reps. Breaks in between and some additional 20-second low-intensity intervals account for the rest of the time.

At-Home HIIT Cardio Workout

Like the 17-minute version of this workout, this regimen is also tough and designed to force your body to burn calories long after you quit exercising. You are a little more in control of the intensity in this scenario, but your goal is the same. You want to complete the assigned exercises as quickly as possible in order to ramp up your heart rate.

The workout begins with a surfer kick out followed by two jump squats and two tuck jumps. Five mountain climbers follow and then you do five star jumps. The regimen continues with two forward lunges, two squats and two upright rows with dumbbells or sandbags. This last exercise is the only one that features any equipment.

Complete the workout by transitioning to two push-ups. A burpee and an additional tuck jump will round out the first interval.

The Brutal Ladder HIIT

This workout begins with a three-minute warm up and is followed by 17 minutes of extreme exercise. The warm up consists of a variety of stretching exercises that will keep you safe during the demanding 17-minute stretch that follows. Leg swings, squats and knee-up rotations are examples of the kinds of stretches that you use to initiate this workout.

The main routine is composed of four exercises that are offset by 20 second rest intervals. Each exercise is distinguished by its descending time interval. Flutter kicks begin the routine for one full minute and then switch to high knees. Burpees and jumping jacks round out the routine.

It is important to begin these exercises with some caution and with an eye toward the nutritional content of your daily diet. You can hurt yourself by trying too hard. You can also make it difficult for your body to recover if you do not eat right. Choose a protein snack to consume after exercises or just drink a glass of milk to help your body build muscles in the aftermath.


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