Sunday, January 31, 2016

4 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Double Chin

4 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Double Chin

Nobody wants to have a saggy chin. If you’re trying to look your best, getting rid of the excess fat around your neck and tightening the skin in that area are key steps. In order to get the youthful, vibrant appearance you’ve always wanted, use these 4 simple ways to get rid of double chin in a week.

1. Pick Up A Gum Habit

One of the reasons why you lose definition in your chin area and start to notice multiple chins is because the muscles in this area are not being used. One of the best ways to build them up is to chew gum. By chewing gum on a regular basis you are giving both your jaw and your facial muscles a complete workout. Exercising this area helps to burn away excess body fat that causes a double chin as well. By firming up this area and getting rid of excess fat, you can chew gum once or twice a day and notice changes in just a week.

2. Stop Slouching

Practicing good posture helps to eliminate a double chin in a few key ways. Both sitting and standing up straight make a double chin less noticeable. Practice standing in front of the mirror, making sure that your head is pointed forward and resting directly on top of the spine, instead of slouching with the head leaned forwards. This small posture change can make a huge difference. However, standing and sitting up straight also strengthens the muscles in the jaw and will keep fat from continuing to build up in the chin area. Be conscious of the position of your head throughout the day and start building better posture habits.

3. Diet and Exercise

Most people who have a double or sagging chin are overweight. The good news is that when you start to lose weight, your body tends to take it from the neck and face area first, making it easy to notice changes in just a week. Start switching out high-calorie foods for fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low fat dairy. Also, be sure to exercise for half an hour or more every day. A combination of aerobic exercise like running and anaerobic exercise like lifting weights helps your body to burn fat and also help your entire body become firm in general.

4. Try Double Chin Exercises

In addition to general exercise, you should concentrate on exercises specifically designed to eliminate a double chin. A neck flexion and extension is a great one that works all the major muscle groups in this region. Begin by standing with your feet a shoulder width apart, keeping a straight posture. Inhale and then drop the chin toward the chest. You can place your hand on the back of the head and push gently to increase the stretch.

Then, release your hand and roll the head back to straight. After you’ve reached the neutral position, inhale and lift the chin towards the ceiling. Hold in this position and clench the back teeth gently. Push the tongue to the top of the mouth and feel the front of the neck tighten.

Finally, slide the side to the back of the front teeth and push up to 25 times, exercising the jaw and neck muscle groups. Relax and then release the neck, bringing it back to neutral. Repeat this sequence 5-8 times.Combine For Results

In order to see the best results, combine all of these into your daily routine. Within a few days you’ll start to notice changes in your neck and with diligence, eliminate that double chin within a week!


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